Hot Apollo

Toronto's Shiniest Rock-and-Roll Band



Tones of the tempest inspire the air.

Verses of firmament fire and flare.

Foudroyant inflections ignite the expanse.

Electric expressions explode in the chants.


Words of the welkin ascend in a spark.

A madrigal's dazzle endangers the dark.

The winds in their wise whip around into flaws

That erupt in a rapture of ragious applause.


Fulminous phrases inflame and exalt

Through the boundless embrace of the heavenly vault.

The elements' echoes resound in a gale

And blow through the sky with a 

revelrous wail.


The language of lightning coruscates out.

Choruses clash in a volatile shout.

Enormous and nimbose, the notes float along.

They summon the force of the storm in a song.

Copyright © 2011, Jaymes Buckman and David Aaron Cohen. All rights reserved. In a good way.