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Greasy Grandeur

My girlfriend and I were on the subject of musicals I hadn’t seen after she showed me the second “Mamma Mia” movie for the first time, and the one at the top of the list to watch was “Grease”. But then her mother, who’d been planning a trip across the country to visit her, caught wind of this plan, and she insisted on our waiting for her to watch it together.

And lo! That day came, and the younger brother and grandmother turned out to be there with us too. In addition to the things I already knew I’d absorbed about the film over the years through osmosis, there was even more I was familiar with in one way or another, regardless of its attribution in my head to the movie.

I did not know that it ended with a flying car though. That was a perfect ending, though the mother’s opinion was rather opposite.

Anyway. Worth the wait.

Copyright © 2011, Jaymes Buckman and David Aaron Cohen. All rights reserved. In a good way.